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Shiatsu #1

CE Broker Tracking #: 20-335244

12 CEU Hours

Price: $195.00

Seminar Schedule

This course is an introduction to Shiatsu or acupressure therapy. It is comprehensive enough to allow the therapist to begin practicing Shiatsu upon completion of the seminar. It also lays the foundation for additional training leading to Certification, for those who wish to specialize or excel at this powerful method of healing. Prepare to learn about:

·       Qi and it’s functions and dysfunctions

·       Yin/Yang Theory

·       5 Element Theory, including the Internal Organ/meridian relationship

·       5 Element Circle, including the Generating and Control Cycles

·       the direction of energy flow in the channels

·       the circadian rhythm of the Qi flow through the channels

·       how to trace the course of the channels or meridians, from the first point to the last point on each channel, in circadian order, bilaterally

·       methods to tonifiy or sedate energy flow through points and meridians

·       various finger, hand, and elbow Shiatsu techniques

·       contraindications for Shiatsu therapy

·       points that stimulate labor

Shiatsu, while based upon the same theories as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and using the same points as are used in acupuncture, uses fingers instead of needles. This treatment method is very effective on a wide variety of conditions and is a valuable addition to the treatment methods that you are already familiar with. Shiatsu can be used as a singular treatment approach, or it can be incorporated with other treatment methods such as Swedish, Reiki or sports massage to name a few.

Shiatsu #2

– treatment for neck and shoulder girdle pain

(prerequisite – Shiatsu #1)

CE Broker Tracking # 20-335247

12 CEU hours

Price: $195.00

Seminar Schedule

This course is designed for a practitioner who already has some understanding of the theories and principles of Shiatsu and is able to trace the 12 Major Meridians or channels of the body. The class begins with a review of Shiatsu I and some of the major concepts that were introduced, as well as a chance to practice tracing the channels. When this review is done, the new material will be presented. Prepare to learn about:

·       5 Element Theory, including its correspondences and how they relate to each other. This is useful to help evaluate which organ/meridian systems may be out of balance or diseased.

·       how Shiatsu (and acupuncture) is proportionately based, and to be able to demonstrate how to use a measuring system to more accurately locate specific points or tsubos on the meridian pathways

·       how to determine the meridians associated with neck and shoulder girdle pain

·       how to locate key points on the meridians that are often associated with neck and shoulder girdle pain

·       how to develop and implement a treatment strategy or protocol to treat neck and shoulder girdle pain.

·       what the Three Treasures are, and their relation to our health

·       what Essence is, its functions, and how it relates to our development

Therapists will exchange Shiatsu treatments, to treat shoulder girdle/neck pain, with their seminar partner. To get the best results, therapists will be reminded to use correct Shiatsu techniques, and to apply appropriate pressure, all while maintaining the flow, and continuity of the session. The therapist will be instructed on how to locate key points to treat along the meridians. Shiatsu can be used as a singular treatment approach, or it can be incorporated with other treatment methods such as Swedish, Reiki or sports massage to name a few.

Shiatsu #3

– treatment for low back and sciatic pain

(prerequisite – Shiatsu #1 & #2)

CE Broker Tracking #: 20-335248

12 CEU hours

Price: $195.00

This course is designed for a practitioner who already has a good understanding of the theories of Shiatsu and is able to trace the 12 Major Meridians or channels of the body with some confidence. The class begins with a review of Shiatsu II and some of the major concepts that were introduced, as well as a chance to practice tracing the channels. When this review is done, the new material will be presented. Prepare to learn about:

·       some of the many possible causes of low back pain and sciatica.

·       how to find key points on the meridians often associated with low back and/or sciatic pain.

·       how to give a Shiatsu treatment for low back and sciatic pain.

Therapists will exchange Shiatsu treatments, to treat shoulder low back, and sciatic pain, with their seminar partner. To get the best results, therapists will be reminded to use correct Shiatsu techniques, and to apply appropriate pressure, all while maintaining the flow, and continuity of the session. The therapist will be instructed on how to locate key points to treat along the meridians. Shiatsu can be used as a singular treatment approach, or it can be incorporated with other treatment methods such as Swedish, Reiki or sports massage to name a few.

Shiatsu #4

Healing the Therapist – You are the experiment

(pre-requisite – Shiatsu #1,#2,#3)

CE Broker Tracking #: 20-335250

12 C.E.U. Hours

Price: $195.00

Seminar Schedule

This course is designed for a practitioner who already has a good understanding of the theories of Shiatsu and is able to trace the 12 Major Meridians or channels of the body with some confidence. The focus of this class is to utilize the principles and techniques learned in Shiatsu I-III to benefit or enhance the health and comfort of the therapists own mind and body.

·       a) review of the major theories and concepts from Shiatsu 1-3

·       b) each person will explain to their seminar partner, in detail, what their goal for the treatment is (the “experiment”), whether it
is the relief of some pain, the correction of a malfunction or an imbalance in an organ/channel system, lowering stress or anxiety levels or an improvement in performance, etc.

·       using everything that’s been learned in Shiatsu 1-3, the participant will evaluate and assess all pertinent signs and symptoms of the patient/client

·       based upon their findings, the participant will devise a treatment
protocol designed to achieve the patients goal

·       the class will provide feedback and or suggestions,
and a protocol will be decided upon

·       when each person has presented their case, they will return to their tables and implement the protocol on their partner and vise-versa

·       when all treatments have been completed, each person reassesses their partner for any noticeable change, getting feedback from
the patient on how they feel

·       each person presents their case one more time to the class, detailing any changes or improvements achieved.

This seminar is designed to let the therapist themselves benefit from the powerful healing of Shiatsu. It is an attempt to help break the pattern of the therapists always giving and never (or rarely) taking the time to also receive therapy.

Shiatsu #5

Basic Certification in Shiatsu

(pre-requisite – Shiatsu #1-4)

CE Broker Tracking #: 20-335253

12 C.E.U. Hours

Price: $195.00

Seminar Schedule

This certification is to test if the therapist has a good grasp of the information, concepts, theories, and techniques taught in Shiatsu 1-4. It will consist of written and practical testing.

The written portion will consist of two, 25 question quizzes, and one 50 question test, for a total of 100 points possible. The student must earn at least 70 points total in order to pass. These tests are comprehensive of everything that was covered in class. This includes: Qi function, Yin/Yang, 5 Elements (wheel and correspondence), palpating for kyo and jitsu tsubos, circadian rhythm, Three Treasures, and Essence.

The practical portion will consist of the therapist demonstrating that they can trace any meridian requested, noting the beginning and ending points and the direction of the Qi flow through it. In addition, the therapist must be able to demonstrate a Shiatsu treatment for neck, shoulder girdle, low back, and sciatic pain. They must demonstrate proper Shiatsu techniques, paying attention to good body mechanics, proper pressure, flow, and continuity with the treatment, taking time to locate and treat the key points along the meridians. This portion is pass/fail, based on a 5 point scale from: no clue to excellent.


One of the benefits of getting the Basic Certification in Shiatsu is that it will help instill confidence in the therapist that they can effectively use the theories and techniques learned to help their clients deal with their pain and discomfort. The increased knowledge and skill will translate into better treatment results, which will prompt their clients to request more Shiatsu for themselves, and their loved ones.

Shiatsu #6

– pathologies and imbalances in the meridian/organ system

(pre-requisite Basic Shiatsu Certification)

CE Broker Tracking #: 20-335256

12 C.E.U. Hours

Price: $195.00

Seminar Schedule

This course is designed for a practitioner who already has a good understanding of the theories of Shiatsu and is able to trace the 12 Major Meridians or channels of the body with some confidence. The class begins with a review of Shiatsu III and some of the major concepts that were introduced, as well as a chance to practice tracing the channels. When this review is done, the new material will be presented. Prepare to learn about:

·       a) review of the major theories and concepts from Shiatsu 1-3

·       b) each person will explain to their seminar partner, in detail, what their goal for the treatment is (the “experiment”), whether it
is the relief of some pain, the correction of a malfunction or an imbalance in an organ/channel system, lowering stress or anxiety levels or an improvement in performance, etc.

·       The clinical application of Yin and Yang

·       the functions of the Internal Organs, with special emphasis on the five Yin Organs

·       the various pathologies and symptoms associated with disease or imbalance in each of the meridian/organ systems

Therapists will exchange Shiatsu treatments with their seminar partner. To get the best results, therapists will be reminded to use correct Shiatsu techniques, and to apply appropriate pressure, all while maintaining the flow, and continuity of the session. Shiatsu can be used as a singular treatment approach, or it can be incorporated with other treatment methods such as Swedish, Reiki or sports massage to name a few.

Shiatsu #7

– powerful acupressure points

(pre-requisite Shiatsu #6)

CE Broker Tracking #: 20-335257

12 C.E.U. Hours

Price: $195.00

Seminar Schedule

This course is designed for a practitioner who already has a good understanding of the theories of Shiatsu and is able to trace the 12 Major Meridians or channels of the body with some confidence. The class begins with a review of Shiatsu V and some of the major concepts that were introduced, as well as a chance to practice tracing the channels. When this review is done, the new material will be presented. Prepare to learn about:

·       the location, and function, of the Front Alarm, or Front Mu points.

·       how to locate and palpate the Front Alarm points.

·       how to locate and palpate the back Shu points.

·       the location, and function, of the Xi-Cleft points.

·       how to locate and palpate the Xi-Cleft points

Therapists will exchange Shiatsu treatments with their seminar partner. The goal of the sessions is to locate and palpate each of these three sets of powerful points. To get the best results, therapists will be reminded to use correct Shiatsu techniques, and to apply appropriate pressure, all while maintaining the flow, and continuity of the session. Shiatsu can be used as a singular treatment approach, or it can be incorporated with other treatment methods such as Swedish, Reiki or sports massage to name a few.

Shiatsu #8

– powerful acupressure points

(pre-requisite Shiatsu #7)

CE Broker Tracking #: 20-335258

12 C.E.U. Hours

Price: $195.00

Seminar Schedule

This course is designed for a practitioner who already has a good understanding of the theories of Shiatsu and is able to trace the 12 Major Meridians or channels of the body with some confidence. The class begins with a review of Shiatsu V and some of the major concepts that were introduced, as well as a chance to practice tracing the channels. When this review is done, the new material will be presented. Prepare to learn about:

·       the location, and function, of the Yuan Source points.

·       how to locate and palpate the Yuan Source points.

·       the location, and function, of the Luo-Connecting points.

·       how to locate and palpate the Luo-Connecting points.

·       the location, and function, of the 8 Influential points points.

·       how to locate and palpate the 8 Influential points points

Therapists will exchange Shiatsu treatments with their seminar partner. The goal of the sessions is to locate and palpate each of these three sets of powerful points. To get the best results, therapists will be reminded to use correct Shiatsu techniques, and to apply appropriate pressure, all while maintaining the flow, and continuity of the session. Shiatsu can be used as a singular treatment approach, or it can be incorporated with other treatment methods such as Swedish, Reiki or sports massage to name a few.

Shiatsu #9

– powerful acupressure points

(pre-requisite Shiatsu #7)

CE Broker Tracking #: 20-335258

12 C.E.U. Hours

Price: $195.00

Seminar Schedule

This course is designed for a practitioner who already has a good understanding of the theories of Shiatsu and is able to trace the 12 Major Meridians or channels of the body with some confidence. The class begins with a review of Shiatsu V and some of the major concepts that were introduced, as well as a chance to practice tracing the channels. When this review is done, the new material will be presented. Prepare to learn about:

·       the location, and function, of the Yuan Source points.

·       how to locate and palpate the Yuan Source points.

·       the location, and function, of the Luo-Connecting points.

·       how to locate and palpate the Luo-Connecting points.

·       the location, and function, of the 8 Influential points points.

·       how to locate and palpate the 8 Influential points points

Therapists will exchange Shiatsu treatments with their seminar partner. The goal of the sessions is to locate and palpate each of these three sets of powerful points. To get the best results, therapists will be reminded to use correct Shiatsu techniques, and to apply appropriate pressure, all while maintaining the flow, and continuity of the session. Shiatsu can be used as a singular treatment approach, or it can be incorporated with other treatment methods such as Swedish, Reiki or sports massage to name a few.

Shiatsu #10

– Healing the Therapist – You are still the experiment.

(pre-requisite Shiatsu #9)

CE Broker Tracking #: 20-335260

12 C.E.U. Hours

Price: $195.00

Seminar Schedule

This course is designed for a practitioner who already has a very good understanding of the theories of Shiatsu and is able to trace the 12 Major Meridians or channels of the body with great confidence. The focus of this class is to utilize the principles and techniques learned in Shiatsu I-VIII to benefit or enhance the health and comfort of the therapists own mind and body. Overview of course:

·       a) review of the major theories and concepts from Shiatsu 1-8

·       each person will explain to their seminar partner, in detail, what their goal for the treatment is (the “experiment”), whether it is the relief of some pain, the correction of a malfunction or an imbalance in an organ/channel system, lowering stress or anxiety levels or an improvement in performance, etc.

·       using everything that’s been learned in Shiatsu 1-8, the participant will evaluate and assess all pertinent signs and symptoms of the patient/client

·       based upon their findings, the participant will devise a treatment protocol designed to achieve the patients goal

·       when ready, they will present their case (the “experiment”)
to the class stating the patient’s goal, and the proposed protocol

·       the class will provide feedback and or suggestions, and a protocol will be decided upon

·       when each person has presented their case, they will return to their tables and implement the protocol on their partner and vise-versa

·       when all treatments have been completed, each person reassess their partner for any noticeable change, getting feedback from the patient on how they feel

·       each person presents their case one more time to the class, detailing any changes or improvements achieved

This seminar is designed to let the therapist themselves benefit from the powerful healing of Shiatsu. It is an attempt to help break the pattern of the therapists always giving and never (or rarely) taking the time to also receive therapy.

Shiatsu #11

– Advanced Certification in Shiatsu

(prerequisite – Shiatsu #1-10)

CE Broker Tracking #: 20-335262

12 C.E.U. Hours

Price: $195.00

Seminar Schedule

This certification is to test if the therapist has a good grasp of the information, concepts, theories, and techniques taught in Shiatsu 1-9. It will consist of written and practical testing.


The written portion will consist of two, 25 question quizzes, and one 50 question Exam, for a total of 100 points possible. The student must earn at least 70 points total in order to pass.

These tests are comprehensive of everything that was covered in class.
This includes: Qi function, Yin/Yang, 5 Elements (wheel and correspondence), palpating for kyo and jitsu tsubos, circadian rhythm, Three Treasures, Essence, the function of the Internal Organs, pathologies or symptoms associated with each of the meridian/organ systems, and powerful points such as the Front Alarm, back Shu, Xi-Cleft, Yuan Source, Luo-Connecting,

and 8 Influential points.

The practical portion will consist of the therapist demonstrating that they can trace any meridian requested, noting the beginning and ending points and the direction of the Qi flow through it. In addition, the therapist must be able to demonstrate a Shiatsu treatment for neck, shoulder girdle, low back, and sciatic pain. They must be able to demonstrate Shiatsu treatments for various patterns of insomnia and headaches. They must demonstrate proper Shiatsu techniques, paying attention to good body mechanics, proper pressure, flow, and continuity with the treatment, taking time to locate and treat the key points along the meridians. This portion is pass/fail, based on a 5 point scale from: no clue to excellent.


One of the benefits of getting the Advanced Certification in Shiatsu is that it shows to your clients and colleagues that you wish to excel at this powerful form of healing. Your knowledge and training allows you to treat painful skeletal muscles much more effectively. In addition, you know that by balancing and adjusting the flow of Qi through the meridians, we can influence the function of the Internal Organs and assist the body back to homeostasis. Understanding the functions of the Internal Organs and the various pathologies and symptoms associated with disease or imbalance in each of the meridian/organ systems helps us to more effectively evaluate each client’s condition. When this information is combined with the theories of Yin and Yang, and the 5 Elements, it gives the therapist the tools to monitor their own health, with an eye towards preventative therapy and longevity.


Each succeeding seminar in a series is built upon the subject matter and methods presented in the seminar preceding it. If you feel that you did not quite understand the concepts or methods that were presented in a seminar that you attended, or you have not sufficiently used those methods in your practice in the time since you attended to feel confident in learning the next level of training, you  may repeat the seminar. You will still get continuing education credit for the class that is repeated, as long as you haven’t taken the same course within the same two year biennium. For ex. you could re-take the Flexibility I – Introductory seminar again this year (2013) as long as you didn’t take it the first time after 10-31-11.

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©2022 Hands for Healing. 

Hands for Healing with Needles of Light, Inc.

Dr. Jeff McConnell, Board-Certified

Acupuncture Physician AP2231

Licensed Massage Therapist MA9200

8813 Dr M.L.K. Jr St N, St. Petersburg, FL 33702

(727) 823-9000

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